The votes are in for the SDtoday 2023 Picture of the Year contest. Check out the finalists below, including the winner that you — our readers — voted for.
Winner: “Waves crashing over OB Pier” submitted by Kyle O.
This action shot perfectly captures the powerful high surf that crashed into the Ocean Beach Pier during the final week of 2023 — and the lasting impact.
Finalist No. 1: “Downtown San Diego from the air” submitted by Marie B.
We love that this photo shows off the San Diego skyline from an angle we can’t easily access, plus we spy the beautiful Rady Shell and San Diego Bay.
Finalist No. 2: “Fish Shop View” submitted by Mary S.
We love that this image captures the beauty of San Diego’s skyline set against the boats of the marina — it’s very SD.
Finalist No. 3: “H Street Marina, Sunset” submitted by Suzie D.
We love that this picture captures the waterfront beauty locals can find — sunsets, boats, and bayfront views — taken from H Street in Chula Vista.
Finalist No. 4: “Love the bubbles” submitted by Julia L.
This picture showcases the natural beauty of a local beach trip complete with ocean views and that unforgettable SoCal sky. Plus, it shows kids having fun as bubbles float by.
Breaking down the results
Here’s how the votes stacked:
- The winning photo received 40.5% of the votes
- Finalist No. 1 — 23.6%
- Finalist No. 2 — 18.9%
- Finalist No. 3 — 9.6%
- Finalist No. 4 — 7.4%
Thanks to everyone who entered our contest and congratulations to Kyle O. and all of the finalists — you sure made San Diego shine.