SAN expecting high traffic going into Labor Day Weekend

The airport expects to see travel levels exceed pre-pandemic traffic.

Airplane ascending over San Diego.

Plan accordingly before your holiday plans take off.

Summer is getting ready to take off, but San Diego International Airport (SAN) is preparing for an end-of-season travel rush on Labor Day weekend.

According to the Transportation Security Administration, this summer’s airport traffic has exceeded pre-pandemic levels from 2019. This holiday weekend SAN anticipates at least 80,000 travelers daily, Friday-Tuesday.

If you’re going on a trip, make sure you’re packed with info and know how to navigate the airport.

  • Arrive at least two hours pre-departure and make parking arrangements in advance, as the New T1 Project continues impacting traffic. Pro tip: Shuttle into SAN via the San Diego Flier from the Old Town Transit Center.
  • If possible, avoid peak hours for security screenings — they are 5-7 a.m., 9 a.m.-1 p.m., and 7-9 p.m.
  • Check your flight departure status before heading to SAN.
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